First Point USA Visit Academy
10th February 2020
Our students were recently visited by First Point USA which is the official scholarship agency for over 2,500 colleges within America and have been able to push through scholarships for over 60,000 athletes.
At Edusport we believe that we can provide that important stepping stone into a successful application to scholarships such has First Point USA, we think it is vitally important to allow our students this full access to speak directly with First Point USA about their options for their year beyond the Edusport Academy.
We have invited First Point USA to Glasgow to speak to our students for several years and are proud to have so many of our students successfully gain scholarships to move our to America in another advantageous life experience.
Edusport Student Gregoire Lezin : "The staff at First Point USA spoke to us to explain their project which has the goal to help us to get a scholarship at university in USA. All all the information that we received was really interesting and helpful to help me think about my future more. I think my year at Edusport has been great to help me get to somewhere like this in the future."